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Barry S. Goldenberg, DMD, MS

our Philosophy

Our practice philosophy is one of dedication to detail which ensures that all patients are treated to the highest possible standard we can achieve

World Renowned Expertise

Dr. Goldenberg has lectured in over ten countries.  His world-renowned expertise in prosthodontics and implant dentistry provides patients with the highest standard of precision care.

Proven Experience

With 35 years of remarkable results for patients, Dr. Goldenberg is widely regarded for his clinical skill and patient care.

Patient Consultation Process

As a world-renowned specialist, Dr. Goldenberg’s patient consultation fee includes a comprehensive one-hour oral assessment, expert diagnosis, and a written treatment proposal including outcomes, options, and related fees.

Specialized Solutions

As a specialized clinician, Dr. Goldenberg uses the latest advancements in dentistry to make treatment faster, easier and more effective.

Referring Doctors

You want the best for your patients, and so do we. Our pledge is to represent you well as we deliver the highest standard of specialized care for your patients.

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you. Call today or request an appointment online.
